What Spotting Scopes are Used For

Spotting scopes are used in various hobby areas. Whenever the visual overcoming of large distances plays a role, spotting scopes are used. Three areas have crystallized, which will be discussed in more detail on this website:

  1. Spotting scopes for bird watching
  2. Spotting scopes for sport shooters
  3. Spotting scopes for hunting
Image of a spotting scope for areas of application

In addition, spotting scopes are used in other areas of application. For example, in military reconnaissance missions or in enemy observation. Moreover, in biology – in the observation of particularly shy animals such as wolves or in the field of civil defense, when it comes to monitoring people, vehicles or buildings.

Owners of spotting scopes can also use them to look at the clear starry sky. The magnifications of a spotting scope for observing celestial bodies are rewarding, but do not come close to the quality of telescopes.